In Janice Kaplan’s The Gratitude Diaries: How a Year Looking on
the Bright Side Can Transform Your Life, the author sets out on a quest to
not only research gratefulness but to also actually “be” grateful. Instead of focusing on negativity throughout
the day, she would turn all her attention to being grateful for the people in
her life and the things she had. This
book is so relatable to a large percentage of the population; I found myself
nodding my head in agreement and understanding quite a few times. I also liked how the author interviewed a
wide range of people, including those who stayed grateful in the face of
tragedy and hardship.
I would put The Gratitude Diaries right up there
with Gretchen Rubin’s The Happiness
Project to lift your spirits when you’re down. It’s well researched and inspirational,
and for many, will be life-changing.